fixer cape verde

Locations in Cape Verde

Production coordinator
in Cape Verde

Our location scout can take you to abandoned coffee plantations and salt pans. Our production coordinator in Cape Verde can help you navigate the Santo Antao Island’s rugged terrain, and our journalist fixer can arrange interviews with interesting locals, such as the famous accordion player Manuel d’Novas. Sao Vicente Island is a cultural hub with a lively arts scene. Sal Island is known for its beaches and crystal-clear waters, but few know about the colorful houses of Santa Maria.

location scouting cape verde

Santiago Island

Santo Antao Island

Do you have what it takes for an adventurous shoot? As a production coordinator in Cape Verde, we know Santo Antao’s every valley, ravine, and mountain range. It is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, including the island’s famous Dragon Blood tree. Santo Antao Island has a rich history and culture, with a mix of African and Portuguese influences. This cultural diversity can be seen in the local music, dance, and cuisine, which can add depth and interest to any production.

production coordinator cape verde

Santo Antao Island

Sao Vicente Island

Sal Island

Sal Island combines stunning beaches, rugged mountains, and desolate deserts. Our location scout can show you Pedra de Lume pink salt pans, where you can see salt farmers at work and even take a dip in the saltwater pools. Another must-see location is the Blue Eye, a natural swimming pool with crystal-clear blue water. At Buracona natural pool, the reflection of the sun on the water creates an optical illusion that makes it look like the pool is bottomless.

Sal Island

Boa Vista Island

Boa Vista Island has exotic sites to offer, like rocky deserts, pristine beaches, and towering cliffs. Our location scouting team will show you around Santa Monica Beach, often described as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The island is also known for its rich marine life, making it an ideal location for underwater shoots. Our production coordinator in Cape Verde also recommends the Rabil Salt Pans, which have been in operation since the 18th century.

Location scout in Cape Verde

From the crystal-clear waters and white sand beaches of Sal Island to the dramatic mountains and valleys of Santo Antao Island, the country has a lot to offer for any production. Santiago Island boasts historical landmarks and colonial architecture, while Sao Vicente Island is famous for its vibrant music scene and artistic community. Boa Vista Island’s breathtaking sand dunes and untouched beaches provide an otherworldly setting for any film project. At our video production services in Cape Verde, we have a deep knowledge of the country and can recommend additional locations tailored to your needs.

We understand that every project is unique and we are here to help you find the perfect setting for your vision. Our journalist fixer can also set up interesting interviews with locals, adding depth and authenticity to your production. To get started, simply reach out to our production coordinator in Cape Verde.

film permits cape verde