fixer cape verde

Filming in Cape Verde

Fixer in Cape Verde

Most countries require a visa to enter Cape Verde. Film permits must be obtained from the Ministry of Culture. Some equipment may need to be imported. As for the locals, Cape Verdeans are friendly and welcoming people. The weather is tropical, with an average of 25°C. The best time for filming in Cape Verde is from November to June. Our fixer in Cape Verde can provide additional information on filming in the country and recommend tailored locations based on your specific needs.

Visa for Cape Verde

Filmmakers interested in filming in Cape Verde can obtain a visa by contacting the Cape Verdean embassy or consulate in their respective countries. The visa process typically requires the completion of an application form and the submission of supporting documents such as a passport, itinerary, and proof of accommodation. Filmmakers should allow sufficient time for processing, which may take up to several weeks. It’s essential to ensure all documentation is correct before applying for the visa to ensure a smooth process.

Film Permits in Cape Verde

To obtain film permits in Cape Verde, you will need to apply to the Instituto do Turismo (Tourism Institute) and the Direção Nacional da Cultura (National Directorate of Culture). These authorities are responsible for granting permits for filming in public places, protected areas, and cultural sites. The process can take several weeks or even months. Our fixer in Cape Verde has established relationships with these authorities, which can help smooth out the bureaucratic process and ensure the timely approval of your film permits.

Special equipment renting info

Cape Verde has a limited selection of filming equipment available for rent, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and grip gear. However, if you need more specialized equipment, it’s recommended that you import it yourself. Our film fixer can help you with customs clearance. This involves submitting a list of the equipment and its value along with other documentation and fees to authorities. There are also voltage differences in Cape Verde (220V), so we will make sure to bring appropriate adapters and transformers.

Cultural facts

While obtaining film permits in Cape Verde is crucial, it is important to note that there are also cultural considerations. It is customary to greet people with a handshake or a kiss on the cheek, but only if you are of the same gender. Additionally, it is considered disrespectful to point with your finger or whistle in public. When filming in more rural areas, it is important to ask for permission before filming or photographing someone or their property. Dress modestly, especially at religious sites.

Weather when filming in Cape Verde

Cape Verde does not currently offer any tax rebates for filmmakers. However, the cost of living in Cape Verde is relatively affordable, especially when compared to other destinations in Europe or North America. As a filmmaker here, you will likely need to pay for crew transportation, and food while on location. Our fixer in Cape Verde can provide you with up-to-date information on the cost of living and assist you in finding affordable options for your production needs.           

Tax rebate in Cape Verde

In summary, filming in Cape Verde offers a unique opportunity to capture stunning landscapes and authentic cultural experiences. As for visa requirements, American and European filmmakers can obtain visas upon arrival, but it’s essential to ensure the required documents are in order. Film permits are necessary, and the National Film Commission is responsible for granting them. It’s highly recommended to work with our film fixer in Cape Verde as they can help expedite the process and navigate any cultural differences. While there is some film equipment available, it’s best to import your own. It’s important to be mindful of cultural norms, such as dress codes. Additionally, the weather is consistently warm, and the amount of daylight varies throughout the year.

Filming in Cape Verde

In summary, filming in Cape Verde offers a unique opportunity to capture stunning landscapes and authentic cultural experiences. As for visa requirements, American and European filmmakers can obtain visas upon arrival, but it’s essential to ensure the required documents are in order. Film permits are necessary, and the National Film Commission is responsible for granting them. It’s highly recommended to work with our film fixer in Cape Verde as they can help expedite the process and navigate any cultural differences.

While there is some film equipment available, it’s best to import your own. It’s important to be mindful of cultural norms, such as dress codes. Additionally, the weather is consistently warm, and the amount of daylight varies throughout the year.